Stereo 3D XYZ-Axes Graph Plotting Viewer 
Freeware - Revision v2.1.3 June 9, 2018 

 R.P. Hart – June 9, 2018 

This freeware program is a stereo 3D graph data plotting viewer used to display an input text file xyz-axes data set on a 3 dimensional grid with an additional 4th dimension implemented as plotted dot size. The graph grid display is implemented in 5 modes:  Side by side "cross-eyes" & "wall-eyes" 3D stereo;  Superimposed red-right/blue-left & red-left/blue-right filter glasses 3D stereo;  Single grid mono "perspective view" 3D.  The 3rd and 4th dimension text file data columns are optional.

You have control over scale ranges and offsets, azimuth (rotate about center of vertical y-axis) and elevation (rotate about center of horizontal x-axis) both manually and automatically, and z-axis polarity.  You can do typical Windows things with the graph like copy to clipboard for pasting to other applications, save to disk file, and print.

While working on multi-parameter non-linear model data fitting, I developed this software to gain insight into non-linear optimization solution multi-spaces with RMS error plotted as (inverse) dot size in three dimensions.  The smaller the RMS error--the better the solution--the larger the dot size, with the best solution plotted as the single largest dot.

The program can also be used to plot shapes for stereo 3D viewing fun.  You can suspend a shape in 3D space and make it tumble while controlling object size, tumble speed, depth location.  This is a Windows program written in Borland C++Builder 5.0 with all needed libraries linked within a single executable (no dll's needed).

The old DOS 16-bit VGA version of the program is no longer on the website.  If you want the older version, Email me.



Stereo 3D Graph Demonstration

Download Program

Revisions List

Real Stereo 3D Viewing

Fun & Functional

2-D Graphing Also

How it Works

Use of Dot Size for RMS Display

Getting Started:  Help Screen

Data Files


Windows Icon

Cross Your Eyes Technique

Visual Aid

Red/Blue Filter Glasses

Good Luck!


Stereo 3D Graph Demonstration

The following sequence of graphic images demonstrates the use of my stereo 3D Graphical Viewer.  To fully appreciate the images, you must both master the "cross-eyes" viewing technique and procure or make red/blue filter viewing glasses.

Standard "Perspective View" 2-D Graph


Blue/Red "Filter Glasses" 3D Graph 


"Cross-Your-Eyes" Technique 3D Graph 


More Serious Use of 3D Graph 


"Wall-Eyes" Technique 3D Graph 


"Cross-Your-Eyes" Technique 3D Graph 

Download Program v2.1.3 (350K) June 9, 2018

Revisions List

v1.002 - October 1, 1999

Initial Release

v1.003 - October 20, 1999

Fixed problem with Table3d format data files:  Table row lengths were limited to only 50 characters.  Changed from 50 to 5000.

v1.112 - November 27, 1999

Added 'Setup File Input' window to setup: 1) x-axis, y-axis, z-axis and dot size assignments to file record field numbers (up to 20 fields in file record); 2) Random sub-sampling of file records (plotted points) for large files.  Included File menu items and speed buttons to control this window and re-opening of files for successive random samples.  Also fixed minor problem when trying to open non-existent file (such as on default startup), handles error condition more gracefully.  Fixed another startup bug related to missing (cold start) Registry key (thank you, Mauro).

v1.120 - December 4, 1999

Fixed offset scaling problem.  If original data range was above zero, didn't properly adjust offset up near the bottom of the range, just left it at zero which placed data range too high relative to grid.  Also added proper indicator of # of points plotted for Table3D format.

v2.00 - March 12, 2000

Added features:  Graph & axes titles (thank you for the suggestion, Brent); Print the graph (thank you for the suggestion, Tom D.); Copy graph to clipboard for pasting into other Windows applications; Save the graph as a *.bmp bitmap to a file; Set the various colors individually: background, grid, text, points, lines;  Right mouse button pop-up menu for quick access to common menu functions (those which are not part of the speed buttons).
Fixed various buttons Registry save/restore problems.

v2.0.2 - March 24, 2001

Added features:  Scale->Invert Z-Axis menu item and corresponding speed button to control z-axis polarity.  Note that the 'normal' polarity has been changed to conform to vector convention with + toward the viewer (thank you Bart-Jan for pointing this out to me).; Elevation and Azimuth angle indicators adjacent to the corresponding slider control bars (you finally got this for free, Simon F.).
Fixed problem with last opened files which appear at the bottom of the 'File' menu where blank entries would appear where filenames should be.

v2.1.1 – April 11, 2018

Added features: Various ‘Hint’ additions to make keyboard shortcuts visible when mouse pointering over controls & buttons.

Saverd/retrieved XYZ range and offset settings to/from Registry to keep same manually sized and positioned view after reloading same file (for iterative *.3D data file additions/improvements to avoid having to resize/position for same view.

Modified F7, <Shift>F7, F8, <Shift>F8 keyboard shortcuts to use for adjusting elevation and azimuth, respectively.


V2.1.2 – April 12, 2018


Added “Fade” button and feature to fade lines toward back of view so that busy plots show forward areas more prominently.


V2.1.3 – June 9, 2018


Reduce Auto-Rotate step angle from 3 to 1 degree for smoother rotation.  Add a few faster auto-rotate rates.

3D_Graph.exe Instructions

Real Stereo 3D Viewing

This program is a 32-bit Windows (W95/98/NT/2000) executable.  It displays a 3-dimensional graph plus 4th dimension dot size in five modes:

In all cases, the 3D effect is enhanced by the ability to rotate the graph in two ways, elevation and azimuth, using manual slider bars or arrow keys or using automatic animation modes.

Fun & Functional

This program is both fun and functional.  You can create nice shapes with connecting lines which can be made to tumble in 3D space complete with ability to make the object move toward you and away from you (using z-scale offset control or x- or y- offsets as well).  A few shape files are included with the program.  But the main purpose of the program is for serious analytical work to reveal subtle interacting effects in multi-parameter spaces often encountered in, say, modeling and optimization work.

Others have used it for modeling of molecules including protein folding, immunohistofluorescence, cancer cell biology, topographical mapping, electrical signals in the brain, theoretical physics involving complex numbers, GPS data visualization, solid geometry, anatomical motion studies, crystals, ultrasonic imaging, class demonstrations to interest young students in mathematics, multi-variable calculus, isothermal surfaces, visualizing higher order mathematical functions, U.S. early warning system satellite data, algebraic factoring techniques, nilpotent matrices and determinants (what's that?), showing kids vectors, lines and planes in 3D-space (in class).

2-D Graphing Also

You will find that this program is even worthwhile to use when you have only 2 dimensional data.  The ability to show the graph in perspective and rotation capability give more interest to such graphs.

How it Works

The program reads a text file containing 2, 3, or 4 columns of numbers separated by delimiters (space, comma, tab, or any combination). It handles essentially an unlimited number of lines or records of data when using sub-sampling.  Each record is treated as a plotted point on a 3-dimensional grid.  The order of dimensions is:  x-horizontal, y-vertical, z-depth, dot size.  The 4th column, dot size, essentially adds a "4th" dimension to the plot but with limited resolution since only 7 sizes are used.

All 4 columns are auto-scaled upon startup so that all n record points fit within the graph limits.  The xyz axes are set to 1, 2, 5 ranges with a limited dynamic range of from 0.001 through 100,000,000 (e.g.  0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.010, etc.).  If your data fall outside this range they must be normalized.  In addition to auto-ranging, the program auto-offsets the scales.  Both range and offset can then be manually adjusted using slider bar controls or keyboard.

The 4th dimension, dot size, autoscales to fit the data range into 6 dot size intervals, each of equal span.  It finds the max and min of the 4th column and sets the largest dot size to the minimum value record.  It divides the min to max range into 6 equal span regions and assigns each record to a dot size based on where the 4th column value falls with the regions, with the highest values assigned to the smallest dot size (1-pixel).

Use of Dot Size for RMS Display

The purpose of the dot-size method is to show RMS error patterns generally for non-linear optimization problems.  A typical use is in grid search methods where you would like to see what the minima regions look like (how steep, shallow, etc.).  This is why the smallest (most negative) value is assigned to the largest dot size (best or lowest RMS solution).  There will only be one dot of the largest size representing the "best" solution.  Only if more than one exact min exists, will there be more than one of the largest size dots.

Getting Started:  Help Information

This newer Windows version has no help facility, however the flyover hints and intuitive window layout, labels, and menu structure should suffice.  Keyboard control is still implemented with the same key assignments as the old DOS version.

Here is the old DOS version help screen for reference:

Note that plotted point size control using <F7>/<F8> or Gray -/+ only works for less than 4 data columns.  Presence of the 4th column causes automatic dot size control based on the 4th column values.

Data Files

Create a data file with 2, 3, or 4 columns of data.  Values may be integer or floating point format.  Each row or record is a plotted dot.  When connecting lines are enabled, they are drawn between records in adjacent rows.  You can include line breaks by inserting blank lines between sections of your graph that you don't want connected when connecting lines are enabled.

Here is an example of a 3-column file (contents of box.3d):

0, 0, 0    Draws 2 faces of a box plus 1 of 4 connecting lines between the faces.
1, 0, 0
1, 1, 0
0, 1, 0
0, 0, 0
0, 0, 1
1, 0, 1
1, 1, 1
0, 1, 1
0, 0, 1

0, 1, 0    Draws the 2nd of 4 connecting lines.
0, 1, 1

1, 1, 0    Draws the 3rd of 4 connecting lines.
1, 1, 1

1, 0, 0    Draws the 4th of 4 connecting lines.
1, 0, 1

With the line break feature, you no longer need to retrace over previous lines to fully draw connected line shapes as was required in the older version.

A table format is available for x, y, z graphs only.  It requires a 'keyword' in the first column of the first row: 'Table3D' (without the single quotes).  Use the first row as z values, the first column as x values and place the y values in the body of the table.  Here's an example of a table data file:  TableTest.3d

Data files may include additional record fields (columns) which are ignored by Grahp3D.  This is useful when sharing files between multiple applications, each of which may require different sets of fields.  Use the 'File' menu 'Setup' selection to open the 'Setup File Input' window.  You may then open a new data file from this window.  An example record (the first record in your file) is displayed along with x, y, z, and dot size assignments.  The assignments can be changed to plot only those fields of interest while ignoring all others.

This window also provides capability to enable [pseudo] random sub-sampling of records from your file.  This is useful for very large files where a small sampling of the plotted points provides essentially the same basic picture of the entire set.  The sampling percentage may be set along with ability to randomize or fix the randomizer 'seed'.  If you need to always select the same sub-set sequence of records each time you open a file, use the fixed seed capability.  The sub-sampling could be useful to visualize how well random subsets represent larger populations.


Run:  Graph3D box.3d (or your data file)


Double click Graph3D.exe (or it's desktop icon) and 'Open' your data file from the 'File' menu.


Double click Graph3D.exe and select a previously opened data file from the bottom of the 'File' menu list.


Drag & Drop your data file onto the window graph display area of Graph3D.


"Associate" *.3D files with the Graph3D.exe program application and just double click the data file.


Put a Windows shortcut icon onto your desktop for Graph3D.exe and drag and drop your data file onto the icon.


Windows Icon

I suggest creating a Windows shortcut icon on your desktop which invokes the program.  You can then either double click the icon or drag and drop data files onto the icon to run them.

I also suggest you "associate" the *.3d file extension with Graph3D.exe so that you can double click on a 3D data file and invoke the viewer directly.

Cross Your Eyes Technique 

It is a bit of a challenge learning how to see the 3D effect by crossing your eyes.  My first exposure to this technique was in a book on clouds (I don't remember the title, probably just "Clouds").  There was a good set of instructions and lots of example pictures to try.  Basically the difficulty is not in the eye-crossing itself, anyone can do that.  The problem is in focusing on the plane of the display screen at the same time you are crossing your eyes.

When we view something close to us, the eyes naturally "cross" and focus close in unison (follow your finger as you move it close to your nose and you will see that your eyes become quite crossed, more than enough to view the display screen in 3D).  In fact, some people are concerned that using this cross-eye technique will do damage to their eyes or eye muscles or something.  The fact that you normally angle (cross) your eyes about the amount needed for Graph3D when you read a book illustrates the silliness of that concern.

But you must learn how to cross just enough to center your right eye onto the leftmost graph view and left eye onto the rightmost graph view.  When you do this, the natural tendency is to focus at the point where your left and right sight lines cross which is typically 1/4 to 1/3 of the way to the screen.  (This intersect distance depends upon your Graph3D application window and monitor screen sizes, the bigger the window, the farther apart the two graph views, the closer the intersect is to your face. So it's easier to learn by setting the window size smaller.)  Instead of focusing at the "natural" intersect distance, you must change your focus to the screen distance.  This is the main problem.

I have created a "visual learning aid" to help in this learning process.  It consists of a piece of cardboard with a rectangular cutout open at the top and a large paper clip bent and taped to the cardboard protruding upward vertically into the middle of the cutout.

                                      Visual Aid

The tip of the paper clip serves as the point at which your left and right eye view lines cross.  Start with the tip about half way from the screen to your face.  Look at this tip (and initially focus on it as well) as you position it centered in front of the display screen.  You will notice at the screen that there are two, out-of-focus graphs.  Continue to focus on the tip and slowly move the tip toward your face.  As you do this the two graphs in the background come together.  Stop at the point where the two graphs are superimposed then quickly redirect your focus (not your eye azimuth's) to the screen.

When you are successful, you will end up with your eyes crossed through the tip of the paper clip but focused on the screen.  At this point the graph will "snap" into 3 dimensions showing depth.  Your brain tends to stabilize on this combination because it "makes sense".  You are used to seeing things in 3D so when the graph appears in 3D, even though your focus is far for the amount of eye cross, you will tend to "hold on" to this combination to keep it in 3D.

A couple of pointers:  You must keep your eyes exactly level to the screen, otherwise the two graphs will not superimpose properly.  Also, the sides of the cardboard are intended to shield the "extra" views of the graph which each eye sees so that you aren't distracted by them.  Realize that there are two graphs there and without the shields, each eye would see both of them.  When you cross your eyes and superimpose one from each eye, that leaves one additional view extra (on opposite sides) for each eye.  So it appears as three graphs, the middle one in 3D.  You must be sure the opening of the cardboard is just wide enough to view one whole graph with each eye and no more.  You can figure out this width by using your hands held apart at varying amounts while alternately closing one eye and then the other.  Adjust the distance between them and the distance to the screen so that you can see only the full left graph with your right eye and full right graph with your left eye.  Use this hand spacing distance as your cutout spacing.  (You may find that at this point you can already see the 3D and don't need to make the visual aid.)

After awhile this technique becomes second nature and it's easy.

3D cross-eyes stereo help/instruction link: no longer available

Red/Blue Filter Glasses 

If you just can't master the "cross-your-eyes" technique.  Make or buy some filter glasses and use the 3D filter glasses mode instead.  The right eye can be a red or blue filter and the left eye blue or red, respectively, to match the graph colors on your screen. It has been brought to my attention by a user that typically, standard red/blue glasses use red on the left.  I've added additional 3D modes to accommodate this and also "wall-eye" viewing.  Select the appropriate viewing mode from the 5 different 3D modes under the 'View' menu or by using the speed buttons.

I found the proper materials in the Edmund Scientific catalog.  They sell some cardboard "gimmick" distorting filter glasses which you can buy and cutout the thin plastic filters from and then buy sheets of red and blue filter plastic and cut rectangles slightly larger than the openings.  Tape them into the back of the cardboard frames and you're all set.  I found I had to use two layers of red to get the right amount of filtering (one layer let a little blue through).  Depending upon the monitor color tones, you may need to double up on the blue as well.

3D filter glasses, etc., links:

Good Luck!

If you find yourself marveling at how neat this graphical viewing method is or how much it helps you to visualize non-linear optimization solution spaces, or how it helps you in whatever is your application, please Email me with comments or suggestions for improvements.  I've had a many, many useful comments, suggestions for improvements, and descriptions of interesting applications which has helped me make the program significantly better than my original concept.

Good Luck!

R.P. Hart  March 24, 2001

 Copyright © 2003   Email to: R.P. Hart


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